Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sky zone

So I went to sky zone and I was flipping and jumping it was so fun but marking had more fun then we did that was the funnies.  But we had so much fun 

My dog at the boom

I took my dog to the boom. We all no dogs don't like lound sounds .  So the fireworks start he start trying to run and hid it was so funny. That was my night at the boom. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

My dog

 Today on my blog I'm going to talk about  my dog. My dog name is big black he is a boxer he black. Why he eat my food last night he jump on my bed and start eating it I was mad. I went to put him in his room yes my dog have his own room he run under my bed I had to pick my bed you I got him then I smacked him . Then I put him in his room and he start trying to get out it was funny. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

So i'm sitting at my computer and rocking in my chair and this guy was talking stuff so this one girl say something to like he was just talking stuff i was like he not talking to me she was like yes he was i start laughing the girl was like what is he knock you at i said i wish we would so then i was doing work then was talking to someone the he start scooting across the floor in his chair and then he feel out of it and try to play it off that was the funny .
Today on my blog im going to talk about this fight last not a shell is was so funny.
So this is how to happen they came from a party and two girls was beefing so they walk to this shells then they was yelling at each other then this one girls ran up on my friend and punch her so then my friend was getting beat on bad so her friend ran up on her . So some get out there car and brake up the fight  then he leave then someone get mace so they run in shell and by water to put  in there eyes  to the police come so they run to driving park so then they fight one more time so the police driving  throw the park to stop the park so then the cops call back up then  the police take them home.
thank you for reading my blog.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

On blog i'm going to talk about Kanywest and Rayj . Rayj mad because KanyWest got Kim . Lets talk about the song it was funny, he was mad when he came up with that.Why was he so mad some one comment and tell me? That was song is funny. Do you think they going to get back together ?
I think KanyWest and Kim will go back to him. Do u think the baby is cute? 
Is they baby going to be sing i hit i hit hit 1st . Did kim get her plastic surgery on her face? Im asking because i cant tell. thank you for looking at my blog

Monday, June 24, 2013

My interest 3

My Interest is tv. This is way I like tv because with out tv I would not no a lot off stuff. Here go something how to cook how to tie my shoe.Tv is like the best thing in the would. How did they come out with tv some one tell me ?

Why did they come with tv you ask? Tv is a good why for some ppl that can't see they can hear it. The best thing about tv is how u can touch it. Tv is crazy how it work do u think.  Thank u for reading my blog .